Our Gratitude for Your Support During the 2022 UFT Election

Our most sincere gratitude:

The 2022 UFT election season has been a long & hard-fought campaign. The victories we have seen along the way — winning all seats on the High School Executive Board; an upsurge in voter engagement; increased engagement of large numbers of rank-and-file members in matters related to union leadership; the mobilization of a broad cross-section of membership — will sustain our future endeavors in pursuit of a better union.

To all of the UFT members who exercised their federally-established right to choose their union representation: thank you for entrusting us with your votes.

To our dedicated volunteers: thank you for all of your efforts, the skills you donated, the material & moral support you contributed, and the relationship-building which undoubtedly strengthened union ties within your respective networks.

To our inspiring candidates: thank you for accepting the responsibility of joining us in our campaign, for working so enthusiastically in the pursuit of a more democratic union, and for providing the encouragement that sustained us throughout the journey.

We are proud of the ways in which MORE joined UFC’s diverse group of caucuses, educational activist organizations, and other individual UFT members as a united coalition for this historic election, showing our strength in solidarity. 

The results of the election do not in any way diminish the worth or the importance of our struggle. We can only hope that present union leadership heeds the calls of so many members from all walks of life across the city: for a greater member voice in decision-making, for increased transparency, for an end to backroom deals, and for a halt to the privatization that threatens members’ healthcare & our public education system as a whole. We continue to believe that we are stronger as a collective and will continue to work shoulder-to-shoulder with our fellow union members towards achieving these goals.

Our working conditions are our students’ learning conditions. We will continue to fight for democratically run, community controlled schools. We hope that UFC’s many supporters will learn about MORE and join us in our work towards advancing the cause of social justice unionism within the UFT, guided by the principles of building a fighting & democratic union, developing people power, demanding an end to austerity, creating member-driven leadership, believing in education for liberation, organizing the rank and file, abolishing the school-to-prison pipeline, building coalitions and fighting alongside allies.

You can find additional information about the MORE caucus at morecaucusnyc.org. We encourage you to become a member and attend our election celebration today! Details for the celebration and upcoming events can be found on our calendar.