MORE Caucus-UFT Supports City Bus Drivers
MORE supports the school bus drivers, attendants, and mechanics in Local 1181 of the Amalgamated Transit Union in their demands for fair wages and better working conditions. These workers are hired by third party contractors with the DOE, and these subcontractors are not paying the drivers adequately. We call on the DOE to reinstate the Employment Protection Provisions to ensure that drivers, attendants, and mechanics are paid fairly by these greedy bus companies. Despite the billions of dollars in contracts that the DOE pays these bus companies, the money is not making it to the bus drivers.
Once again, workers whose labor is essential to the smooth opening of our school year are underappreciated and unfairly compensated.
Almost 150,000 NYCDOE students will be affected by a potential strike. The DOE’s proposed solutions (Metrocards and reimbursement) are inadequate and shortsighted. The DOE should focus on removing all obstacles for students to attend school.
We support the demands listed in this petition:
- The priority should be to prevent a strike by negotiating a living wage
- In case of a strike, allocate funds to schools to support families that can’t pay the upfront costs of transportation, especially for students in temporary housing
- Streamline the reimbursement process for families (weekly, not daily)
- Provide immediate training to all school based transportation liaisons on account codes for rideshares and assisting families with booking
- Provide weekly Metrocards for students and parents (not daily)
- Work with the MTA to increase bus services and provide HS students with unlimited metrocards
- Ensure Local 1181 members have a fast path to maximum salary so that staff shortages can be alleviated
We will see you at the PIST Parent Town Hall on September 1, and at the Labor Union Parade on September 9th!