Contract Tools and Proposals

Tools: resources that can be used in chapters to discuss contract history and how to organize around a contract. Feel free to make copies, modify content, and/or remove logos if that is helpful for you in your organizing work!

  • Contract presentation and discussion slides - for organizing meetings in chapters, committees, district groups, and working groups.
    How has our union bargained throughout its history?
    What are the issues you and your co-workers care most about?
    How can you take action together?
    Use these slides to help guide your discussions.
  • Contract demands survey - What do you and other members care most about? What do they want in our next UFT contract? Use this survey to collect and document info.
Proposals: demands will develop as we organize as rank-and-file members. The following are proposals produced by the caucus that begin the process of envisioning contractual demands that would compose part of a campaign built on rank-and-file organizing for the common good