For a strike-ready UFT

Our union needs a new strategy, and we need a strategy to change our union.

StrikeHot is a new blog and forum for discussion and friendly debate about union strategy among MORE members, other union activists, and all members of the UFT. 

Today, our leaders rely on friendly relationships with politicians to cut inadequate, concessionary deals with the city.  Recent labor victories point to a better way.  NYC nurses struck against two powerful hospital systems, and won major improvements to their pay and working conditions. The United Auto Workers struck all three domestic auto manufacturers, using escalating tactics to achieve historic wage gains. These victories weren’t an accident.  They were the product of careful planning, mass mobilization, and direct workplace action, up to and including strikes.  

StrikeHot invites today’s rank-and-file UFT activists to discuss strategies for rebuilding our union into a force that wins similar victories.

Read more at our Mission Statement below.

  • Latest from the blog


    Top-down, scripted curriculum mandates are a disaster for our schools

    This is the first of a multi-part series of articles focusing on corporate canned curriculum mandates from NYCDOE leadership. 

    Mayor Adams’ and Chancellor Banks’ effort to overhaul the NYC curriculum in reading, math, and early childhood education is being rolled out in an aggressive, top-down manner. The current NYCDOE leadership has pushed prepackaged, scripted curricula across all grades and is rolling this effort out in phases across multiple districts each year. In this series, we share concerns about the lack of cultural responsiveness (also highlighted in a recent report from NYU) in these curricula, the lack of credible research to support their effectiveness, and the ways we can organize and push back on these top-down mandates.

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    MORE Members of Executive Board Reflect

    Three members of MORE have been on the UFT Executive Board since 2022: Ronnie Almonte, Alex Jallot, and Ilona Nanay. StrikeHot sat down with the three of them and discussed what they have learned so far and strategy going forward. 

    StrikeHot: What motivated you to run for the Executive Board  and what did you hope to accomplish in your term on the board? 

    Alex: The bigger picture is to hopefully enact some sort of change in our union and to pass some resolutions that would benefit the rank and file and push our leadership to do the right things. The way that our union leadership runs right now is frustrating. It's very much top down. But I also wanted to see what the inner workings of our union were like. So being on the board for the past year has definitely opened my eyes to how leadership operates and what their motivations are.

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    Reflecting on the last UFT Chapter-Leader Election Campaign

    by Kit Wainer

    [These notes reflect my personal reflections on MORE’s efforts to run a series of chapter leader election campaigns in spring 2021. I should note that I left NYC to pursue a PhD in the summer of 2022 so I know little about what has happened in the caucus since then].

    For those considering running in the current Chapter Leader or Delegate elections this spring, please join MORE at our next election training on Thursday 2/15 at 7pm (

    Dramatic membership growth

    MORE’s growth from roughly 100 dues-paying members just prior to the pandemic to more than 700 by August 2020 inspired many of us in the caucus leadership to try to capitalize on the momentum by deepening and expanding our influence within individual union chapters. At that point, what percentage of the membership was “real” and not just on paper was very difficult to measure. The 3-4 meetings we held over the summer of 2020 drew more than 200 people each. The late August meeting—held at the moment the UFT leadership was wielding a phony strike threat over school safety—drew more than 1,000. But since all caucus work was remote and remote politics was still something new, it was difficult to know how many were showing up only once, or how many showed up for general meetings but never participated in anything else.


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    "We pushed the UFT to actually fight" - Interview with Negotiating Committee Member Olivia Swisher

    The following interview was conducted with Olivia Swisher, art teacher and Chapter Leader at MS 821 in Sunset Park, about her experiences on the UFT Negotiating Committee for the most recent 2022-2027 contract.


    Strike Hot: What were your goals and hopes in volunteering for the negotiating committee? How did the experience differ from your expectations?


    Olivia Swisher: My personal goal for participating in the UFT negotiating committee was to learn about the negotiations process firsthand.

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